This week flew by, as year-end usually does at school. I don't know why I'm always suprised.... But with multiple assemblys, speakers, grades due, and just trying to organize, it was crazy!

I am feeling GREAT. My cousin Holly, a dietician, went over my diet and exercise plan and helped me tweak it and I am feeling great. Not only am I now seeing results on the scale, after two days I just feel healthier. And, there are only 3 more kid days of school left- crazy! I'm going to miss these kids, for sure. But, I am going to be so happy when summer is finally here :)
Lucas is unswaddled and seems to be sleeping well. Except that he keeps flipping himself over. He has never rolled from back to tummy in front of us, but we keep finding that he's done it in his crib - weird!
I'm excited for a fairly quiet weekend. I'm going to take the boys to the library tomorrow, to sign Ethan up for the summer reading program, but other than that... just hanging out. And now, after a 2 day hiatus, it's time to put Jillian Michael back on the TV...
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