Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Since When....
Brian and I saw Four Christmases today- what a funny movie! It was really weird to be out without the boys. We had a fabulous time playing hooky while the boys were at daycare. Too bad days like that don't happen too often- we need a babysitter!
Brian's at work and the boys are asleep. I figure I'll try to make it up till 10 and celebrate with the East Coast folks. If not, I guess it really doesn't matter, does it? They'll replay it all tomorrow anyway. So anyway - Happy New Year's Eve!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Happy Birthday Daddy!
Whew, What a Week!
Friday, December 26, 2008

Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Santa Came!!!!
Facebook, the Obsession...
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Talking to Mickey...
Monday, December 22, 2008
Shoot, no pictures...
I got a little ambitious and selected a few art projects for Ethan to make for Brian's side of the family. Let's just say, they have character! We had so much fun- definitely better than just taking Ethan out to buy things. But why do all the stupid foamie shapes have round edges that the glue doesn't work with.... I'll post pictures after the giving has been done... I gotta go fix the snowman... he fell over and looks a little, well, drunk.....
First Giggles!
On other news- Lucas has pinkeye, so we are forced to give the dreaded drops. They must sting because he screams like a banshee. His ears were clear though and that's the really good news because Ethan's were NEVER clear until he had the tubes put in.
Last night, Brian and I learned that we are not young anymore. We stayed up way too late with a couple of my college buds, Jessica (Schnookie) and Jennie. It was great fun, but they inadvertently got me hooked on facebook. Not sure that will be a healthy obsession for me....
Brian and I are finishing up shopping today while the boys are at daycare. Well, shopping and cleaning... blech...
Brian's parents come tomorrow! There should be a break in this crazy snowfall- we're counting on it! We are so excited! We wish that Brian's sister and hubbie could be here too, but we'll just have to webcam it over to them in Florida.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
What a Difference a Day Makes...
I'm too tired to write anything. But, Hallelujah! It's Christmas Break!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Boys, Boys, Boys
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I'm watching the Biggest Loser. It was a lot more fun to watch when I was pregnant and not allowed to lose weight. Now it's kind of depressing. I realize it should be inspirational, but right now, not so much.
I wish I had the kind of class that I could leave with a sub and feel good about it, but I don't. I just have to tough it out. 3 more days... 3 more days...
Monday, December 15, 2008
Snowy, Blustery Day

Luca has decided he needs to eat at night again. Ugh. And I've quit nursing (ow) so that means getting up and getting the bottle ready. And of course, Lucas only likes his bottles a certain temperature. Ethan could have cared less what temp his bottle was. We've done nothing different with Lucas in that regard, but the boy won't take it unless it's perfectly warmed. Silly!
I don't want to go grade papers. I hate grading papers. I'd rather troll on blogs, but no one I read has updated. I guess that means I better stop procrastinating on those stinkin' science tests. Did I mention how rotten my kids were today? They should have known it was not the day to tick me off. They were rotten in the lunchroom. So, I had them write apology letters (complete with future expectations) to four adults that work in the lunch room. I had the 10 worst clean the lunchroom during their computer time. And, to top it off, we went to the lunchroom to practice lunch procedures with our administrator during their recess. I may have overdone it a bit, but it was that kind of day. The snow started blowing and so did my temper. I'll bet they aren't nutso tomorrow though.... we'll see.... Here's hoping for a snow day!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
A Little Christmas Spirit!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
A Lazy Saturday Morning.... Maybe....
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
A Boy? A Girl?
So, Lucas has been really kind of a fussy eater the last week or so, which we attributed to the ear infection and amoxicillin. I got totally fed up with all the spit-up on Tuesday and checked out his pepcid- a week expired!! So then I felt horribly guilty. Poor guy! I piled the boys into the car (already in their pajamas) and headed off to Walgreens. I do love the drive-thru pharmacy, though it took them an hour to fill the stinkin' prescription. So now, he seems much better. His appetite is still low- probably from the trauma of drinking expired meds the last week.
We figured out what we wanted Santa to get Ethan for Christmas. Turns out it's "the" toy this year. We can't get it anywhere except for twice the price on E-bay. So, if you have any ideas for us, help us out. Sounds like the Bounce-Back Racer is not to be!
My kids are insane. This time of year is always a little crazy, but for whatever reason- this time they are insane. I'll give them credit though- I didn't want to go find worms for our science project so I put it out there as extra credit and a couple of kids dug them up and brought them in. We thought they were all dead, but turns out they just have stage fright. They only move when we're out of the room. Let's just hope no one lets them free- I wouldn't put it past them!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Choo Choo Santa!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Oh Christmas Tree....
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Oh What a Night!
My kids took the big state writing test today. I was reminded of how stressful testing can be for teachers. I've made the decision that I won't stress. All I can do is teach them the best way I know how and get them enthusiastic about their work. I was somewhat dreading this test because I just did not feel they were prepared. But, they wrote better today than they ever have, so I can't complain. It was like things clicked for them- very exciting. Who knows if the scores were any good, but I was excited to see their work. Those poor kids are tested, tested, and tested some more. And teachers, the ones worth anything anyhow, feel as if they are tested through each and every one of those. We're expected to do more with less resources and get better results. So I've decided just to take it as it comes and not stress. I'm not paid enough.
Ethan was cute tonight. My parents got him a book with a bunch of short stories from the Pixar movies. He normally loses interest within a couple pages of a book, but he really loves this one. He and Brian have read from it each night since we've been home. It reminds me of reading Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing with my mom and my brother, curled up on my parents' bed. So fun!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Merry Thanksmas!
Monday, November 24, 2008
A Gift From God...
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Good Night....
I get the idiot of the year award. I was playing with Lucas' pacifier while he was sleeping- suctioning it to my face. When Ethan woke up he said, "Mommy, owie!" My lower lip is covered in hickeys. I couldn't figure out why the nurses were staring at me last night. Then I remembered and tried to explain and then they just thought I was an idiot. I could tell. They were right. I am really praying that concealer will work a miracle here!
Pictures today- I promise. The camera was dead last night.
Friday, November 21, 2008
We're all exhausted here. Lucas has an awful cold and is quite the screamer. If he stops eating, I'll take him to the doctor, but as for now, he seems okay. Just miserable. We all are!
I'm sore from playing in the staff vs. student basketball game yesterday. It was a lot of fun. I have one boy from my class now on the team and one boy that I had last year, plus a lot of the boys I have in different groups. I want to go to their games tomorrow, but not with potty training and sicko- even I'm not that crazy!
Hopefully tomorrow, I'll put up some pictures of our big boys!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Yeah, sure!
Lucas seems to be gigantic all of a sudden. It feels like he's growing up faster than possible. We think he might be working on a tooth- Ethan was this early, so it's all together possible.
My class earned the spirit stick this week - for their improvement in behavior. Of course, then they were absolute pills yesterday - but today was great. I have two boys who are always awful on Wednesdays. They say that it's just the way it is - they hate Wednesdays. We'll see about that. I'll figure out some way to manipulate the situation. I do love the problem-solving of teaching.
It's nice to have Brian home tonight. I think I'm learning through all of this to be appreciative of what I've got - especially him. It would be so hard to do it on my own. I know many people out there do- I admire their strength! I'm lucky to be married to someone so giving and helpful. He's a good guy.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Weekend's over already?
Time flies... It literally feels like this weekend was over in a snap. We survived. Brian worked all day Saturday and went to work a while ago tonight. Yesterday we had great fun- Lucas has learned how to "play". He's grabbing at his toys and smiling and gurgling. That may not seem like much, but to us it's amazing! We played and played and played some more. Here's a picture of Ethan "sharing" his toys with sleeping Lucas.... cute...
Ethan has not had one single accident this weekend. He hasn't even gone in his pull-up - even at night. Impressive, I must say! I'd say we are well on the way to being without diapers! Well, for that one.... The other one made good use of his diapers again and again.
This week we work at transitioning into Brian's work schedule, but the boys are still in daycare full time for two more weeks. We were hoping Brian would find something before then, but it's not looking too hopeful. It's just a stinky time to be looking. Mark's sermon this morning was about giving up all worry and relying on God to calm us. I kept thinking about that verse, I think it's in Philippians, about not being anxious about anything, but giving it all to God. There's a lot I want to be anxious about, but really, what's the use? God'll get us through. And, he has given us caffeine and that is a big help! Good thing Lucas doesn't seem to mind when I drink a lot of it!
I'm off to finish lesson plans - I've got to get ready for the week. I've got to figure out how to talk about reproduction without the kids getting squirrelly. And I was hoping for a calm week!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Picture Day!
Tonight was Brian's first night back. It was a disaster here at home, but I just keep thinking, there's no way but up! Lucas went on a nursing strike- I think it was the fiber bar I ate for lunch. Ethan was throwing a tantrum when I picked him up and didn't stop until after dinner. There was constant crying tonight and it wasn't just me! Actually, though, it really wasn't that bad, considering. I'm sure we'll figure it out.
School is really starting to turn around. We've hit a stride and I'm excited. I had a great meeting with my principal today and am feeling good about what we're doing. It's an uphill battle, but at least we're moving.
This weekend should be a little crazy. Brian works a lot - getting his training hours in, and that leaves me with the monkeys. I realize many, many women do this every day - I'll get the hang of it! Now, I'm off to grade papers! Blech...