Thursday, October 30, 2008
We've been spending the evening getting Brian a Halloween costume. Ethan wants him to be a bug- frustrating. How did we used to make costumes? We'll share pictures after tomorrow. Ethan has a party for his class at 3. Then we're off to Brian's work for a party there. After that, we're having some pumpkin shaped pizza and hanging out with Jess while we hand out candy. I suppose we'll take him to a couple of houses at some point. Busy...
We're trying to not wake Lucas up to eat tonight at 9:30. We'll see how long he sleeps then. If it's a disaster, we'll survive. As long as Ethan doesn't get up at 6 again...
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
2 Months Old!!
Lucas had a great day again as did Ethan. Someone must have taught Ethan the inevitable lesson that Halloween= candy. He was chanting "candy, candy, candy" in the car every time we passed some Halloween decoration. What a goof! He still insists he's going to be a monster. The thing is that he'll be in a lion costume. Brian likes to say that he's a monster dressed up as a lion. Very clever!
I caught a student running a business on office supplies out of her desk today. I emailed her mom so she could be sure to take a cut of the profits- I'm sure she gave her the stuff. I did think it was very innovative! Of course, it can't continue, but that's beside the point. This girl's got initiative!
Lucas turned 2 months today! All he wanted to do was eat- I cannot believe how much he's eaten today! Let's hope that means a great night ahead.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Ethan was holding Lucas this morning and snuggling and kissing him. Lucas was smiling and chirping at him. Then Lucas reached up and hit Ethan in the face. Ethan pushed him away and say "I don't want it." He then refused to have anything to do with him. I thought it was funny.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
A trip to the Corn Maze
Friday, October 24, 2008
Last Day....
So, I've always gotten Ethan to let me cut his toenails by promising that he can cut mine when I'm done. He always fumbles around banging into my toes, but could never figure them out- or at least didn't have the fine motor skills required. Not so much anymore. He just about took off several of my toes- he can work it all right! His focus was admirable, but I don't think we'll be doing that again! Learned my lesson for sure.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Thank You Lord for Antibiotics!
We went for a little walk around the cul-de-sac today. Doesn't Brian look great with the Snugli?! I think it's adorable. Ethan rode his trike all the way around BY HIMSELF! We used to have to push- no more! Today was just a great day. I think parenting is an absolute roller coaster. We always watch Jon and Kate Plus 8 and laugh at how mean the parents are to each other. I can totally see that happening. With just two we are totally short-tempered. We've made schedules, routines, and responsibility lists for all of us and I think that will help. Ethan loves his bed time list. We showed him tonight- it has each of the things he needs to do before bedtime with a clip art. He kept going back to "read" what to do next. I was impressed!
A Pain in the .....
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Some WA Highlights!
Carving a pumpkin and roasting the seeds....
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
We did survive!
Saturday, October 18, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008
We survived!
Lucas is full of smiles for his Upa and Uma tonight. Fun! Brian and Ethan got to talk over the webcam. I'm excited because I'll be able to see if he's getting any chores done while we're gone. So far, so good!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Can you believe it?!
Did I tell you Lucas has succumbed to the evil baby acne? It's so sad- I don't know how I'm going to get through puberty!
Here's a clip from our Birthday Party for Morgan (absentee, of course...) Note that Ethan tries so hard to be selfless, but loses it for a bit....
Happy Birthday Morgan!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Eat, Eat, Eat Some More
Tomorrow is packing day and praying that our trip this weekend will go well!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Fat Cheeks
Our little chipmunk....
He really is filling out! Brian said he was smiling tonight, but I think it was more of a smirk- to which Brian agreed. I take the boys to WA this weekend and that's where Ethan had many of his "firsts", so I fully expect to get a big gummy grin there- though without Brian there it would be a little sad....
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Growth Spurt?
This morning at church we heard a bunch of testimonies from people who have been affected by cancer. Some of the stories were really sad and some were really encouraging- such a nasty disease. Anyhow, several people in our church are involved in running for cancer events- raising money for research. I really do love how involved our church is with all aspects of the community. I think that it shows our faith so much more than only focusing on "religious" things.
Ethan was really funny at dinner. Every few minutes he would ask, "Yummy, Guys?" They must ask them that at daycare. We were laughing really hard- very cute. I made a bunch of dinners to freeze again tonight. It's amazing how much I enjoy cooking when I'm not trying to get it done by a certain time, or with munchkins crawling all over me. It's fun and even relaxing! I can only do it so stress-free when Brian's here to help, though.
We got to webcam-chat with Nana (my mom's mom) today. What fun! Ethan especially liked showing off his new backpack and his big-boy undies. It was great to see her. Afterwards, we got my brother and family's webcam working and Ethan was enthralled by his uncle. Very cute. I can't wait to talk to my niece- she was in bed. Speaking of bed, off I go- here's hoping for a very long time!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Rafiki means friend!
The rest of us sat around on the big comfy couches and played with the babies while we sipped coffee. It was so nice to chat with someone in our same situation. The older boys and the babies are within two weeks of each other. It makes a special bond! Little Addison (four weeks old) is just the cutest, snuggliest little girl. It's fun to see a girl in the mix- though listening to the birthday party of 8 year old girls screeching as they ran around, maybe I'm glad for two boys....
Some Movies We've Collected
We take a lot of video, but Brian has to help me figure them to upload, so here they are for the last couple of weeks. They're not all overly exciting, but they are kind of fun. Don't forget to scroll down to the music and pause it.
Here is Ethan reading the Monster Book to me that Angie got him a couple of weeks ago.
This was Ethan and Brian reading before bed. They couldn't agree on one book to read so they each read their own.
Here's Ethan playing Dance, Dance, Revolution at Rafiki.
This was on the way home from Rafiki. The boy was exhausted but trying desperately to eat.
That last one is my favorite. It was so funny!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Eat, boy, eat!
Ethan and I gave Lucas a bath tonight. Ethan just liked playing in the water, but that works. He cleaned Lucas' feet and poured water on his belly. Afterward, Ethan found (by playing with the mouse) some music my cousin Max made and he and Brian rocked out. Very fun!
Tomorrow we are going back to Rafiki to meet our friends, the Coates'. Ethan is very excited to see Peyton and threw a fit when he went to bed because he thought we could go tonight. We're still working on "tomorrow" and what that means. The whole delayed gratification thing isn't really developmentally appropriate- I keep forgetting....
Well, I'm off to bed. I just dumped a whole bottle of pumped milk on the floor and I'm ticked. That stuff is precious! Luckily Lucas could care less what he's drinking. He actually drank a whole bottle now. Let's hope for good sleeps!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Energy, where?
Ethan is cracking me up. He has become so snuggly- I love it! He used to be a strictly daddy's boy and lately has wanted more time with me. I can't help but love it! He's just growing up so fast. Too fast! I know the day is coming when I miss hearing the question, "What's that Mommy" 45 times on the 7 minute drive from daycare. Brian just told me that he was driving to daycare and Ethan started yelling to go the other way. Turned out Brian was going the wrong direction. He is stinkin' smart! Hopefully this way Brian won't ever take us all the way across Pennsylvania going the wrong direction again!
Brian and I are enjoying all the NBC Thursday night shows. Lucas just got a little fussy, so Brian's holed up in the bathroom with him, hoping the fan with lull him to sleep. He likes his sound machine, but there's something about the bathroom that just flicks a switch in his brain. Scary! I guess we all have our quirks. On to the SNL special!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Just Kidding
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
So all you potty training experts... Ethan loves to go in his potty- but he has to go every 5 minutes for around 20 minutes and then he's done for awhile... how do we get him to stay there until he's done? Dinnertime is exhausting... As soon as we get the potty emptied and sit back down, it's "potty!!!" and then we start all over! He did pretty well this evening except he peed all over Brian's computer chair. Oops.... The boy is a fountain- he never runs out!
Lucas got a bath today and actually enjoyed it- nice! His eyes are still nasty- clogged tear ducts.. I'm hoping they'll clear soon. He slept so well last night I'm just crossing my fingers. He slept from 10-2 and then until 6, but didn't get up until 7. Beautiful! He is a good boy- he's almost put himself on a bit of a schedule. Not a nice even one as the experts tote- but a schedule all the same. I was even able to cook and freeze a couple of dinners today. We haven't eaten out in 10 days- it's a new record!
I got to see a friend of mine, Joanie, today- who I used to teach with. It was fun to catch up- reminds me that there is more to me than just my "mommy" role. It's easy to get lost inside all the responsibilities and forget that there is more to me.
Before I pass out for the night- a heartwarming habit. Every day, for about the last week, when I go to get Ethan out of the car after daycare, he pretends to go to sleep. That way I have to pull him out and hug him for a bit. He likes the snuggle, I guess- and I certainly do. I hold on because I know in another few minutes he'll be yelling, screaming, banging, throwing, or spilling (half a bottle of syrup on Monday, thank you very much). So we snuggle and I store up all the good feelings to get through the disasters yet to come. Not that it keeps me from muttering under my breath.....
P.S.- for those of you wondering- Brian never noticed my haircut. I finally lost it at 10 last night and made a comment. He had no idea. Then he thought I did it when I took Ethan instead of during the day... now he's trying to kiss up- good luck!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Haircuts Anyone?
Tomorrow I will post a picture of Ethan's new haircut, and mine as well. I went during the day and then took Ethan tonight. Funniest part is, Brian has yet to notice my haircut. I took off quite a bit, so you'd think it was obvious.... Ethan was so good for his- just sat there as quiet as could be. As we left, he tugged on my pants and quietly said "candy?" (they usually give him one when he's done.) I told him they must not have any this time and he said, "okay" and just looked kind of sad. I just thought it was adorable- he didn't cry or demand any, just accepted it. So, of course, my bleeding heart took him over to McD's for ice cream. What can I say- I'm a sucker for cute boys! I'm off to take a shower and wash the spit-up stink off of me. Hopefully Lucas will feel better when he wakes up for his last feed- keep your fingers crossed!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Go Potty Go!
We picked up a freezer for the garage on our way home. This way, we can have frozen meals and Brian can have his gigantic box of waffles. He's been deprived for too long! Hopefully this will also help us go a little longer between grocery visits. I can't seem to leave Costco without spending a fortune, so the less I go, the better!
Ethan loved talking to all his grandparents and his Auntie Angie on the webcam today. It's so easy, I can't believe it! I think it'll be a great way to keep in touch with our families. It's hard not to feel kind of disconnected, so hopefully this will help.
This week should be business as usual. Not too much going on. Hopefully Lucas will start to kind of follow a schedule, but I know, I shouldn't count on it. I can hope, can't I?! 3 more weeks at home. Hopefully I'll be able to finish all the NCIS and CSI shows I have taped! Hard Work!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
I spent the afternoon/evening cooking. I've decided to make as many frozen meals as I can in the next few weeks so when I go to work, we've got lots here. I don't want to fall into the fast food trap, so I've made my own! Thanks to Brian's mom, Lois, for giving me the idea. I made 2 mac and cheese, 2 chicken noodle, 2 chicken chili, 1 pork stir fry, and 1 chicken stir fry. I also made shepherd's pie for dinner. It was actually a lot easier to do it this way. It was probably cheaper too, because I bought ingredients in bulk. We're running out of freezer space, but I bet I can fit more.
Ethan wore his big-boy underwear today for the first time (at home, after his nap). In 6 hours, we had 2 accidents, and he successfully used the potty probably 15 or so times. We are so proud! We just brought his little potty into the dining room (gross, I know), and he ran every time he had to go. We didn't even remind him that often, he just knew himself. He's growing up!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Lucas decided to eat randomly today- I don't even know what his deal was. He also was spitting up everywhere. A bad day for the reflux. We did have fun though, chatting with Michelle, and we even went on a walk. It felt good to be out in fresh air talking to an adult!
This weekend, my goal is just to enjoy each other. I'm also hoping to get out the announcements- Brian did a great job with them. Hopefully the monkey will sleep a long time tonight- keep your fingers crossed!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Oh My....
But then, I did get some very nice hugs, and Lucas is in a milk-induced coma on Brian. I love his little rolls. We got him a sound machine today. I'm getting tired of the bathroom fan. This will be right next to him while he sleeps, so hopefully it will help him stay asleep.
So overall, not a great day, but my boys are all so cute, how can I complain? Hopefully we'll get some sleep tonight- and I'm taking Lucas over to Michelle's to hang out tomorrow for a little adult interaction.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Ethan was super excited to get a package in the mail from his Auntie Angie. Below is a picture of him reading me the book she sent. It's about monsters and counting- perfect! I had another picture of him to post, but then I realized he had things sticking out of his nose, so that'll have to wait. We do have video of him reading the book, but Brian has to help with that, so it'll have to wait.
I'm starting to lose track of the days of the week, but I don't think we have anything going on tomorrow. I might go spend some of these gift cards...