Friday, October 3, 2008


The highlight of my day was Ethan taking a bath with the new set of foam letters that someone gave me at the baby shower. He was "writing" all sorts of words and "reading" them to me. We also sang the ABCs at the top of our lungs a few times and just enjoyed each other. It was a good moment for us. He is adorable sometimes!
Lucas decided to eat randomly today- I don't even know what his deal was. He also was spitting up everywhere. A bad day for the reflux. We did have fun though, chatting with Michelle, and we even went on a walk. It felt good to be out in fresh air talking to an adult!
This weekend, my goal is just to enjoy each other. I'm also hoping to get out the announcements- Brian did a great job with them. Hopefully the monkey will sleep a long time tonight- keep your fingers crossed!

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