Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Eat, Eat, Eat Some More

Lucas and I both seemed to eat all day! I think we've definitely hit the 6 week growth spurt. So much for a schedule... And you know, I have to say the one having the worst time adjusting to one more in the family is Kenya (our dog). She is being awful! Grr! I came home after the chiropractor to trash emptied out all over the floor. Gross!

Jess and I went to the Happiest Baby on the Block class at the hospital tonight. It was all great information and we came home with a DVD. We're going to schedule a time for Brian and Todd to watch it. I think it's great information and empowering as a parent of a newborn- helps you not to lose your mind! Of course, after all the great soothing practice, Lucas screamed bloody murder on the way home. Turns out no amount of soothing helps when you're starving (he had eaten an hour earlier). This child! It too shall pass- I know it.
Tomorrow is packing day and praying that our trip this weekend will go well!

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