Monday, October 6, 2008

Haircuts Anyone?

I don't really know how to describe today. It seemed to be over in a flash- kind of a whirlwind. I sit here, covered in spit up and eye goobers from our little monster. We think he might have spit out all the Zantac this morning. Whatever the reason, from about 6:30 on, he was a screamer. I finally got him to go to sleep. I'm just hoping he doesn't wake up still upset! He'd been a little fussy all evening, so it very well could have been the dreaded reflux!
Tomorrow I will post a picture of Ethan's new haircut, and mine as well. I went during the day and then took Ethan tonight. Funniest part is, Brian has yet to notice my haircut. I took off quite a bit, so you'd think it was obvious.... Ethan was so good for his- just sat there as quiet as could be. As we left, he tugged on my pants and quietly said "candy?" (they usually give him one when he's done.) I told him they must not have any this time and he said, "okay" and just looked kind of sad. I just thought it was adorable- he didn't cry or demand any, just accepted it. So, of course, my bleeding heart took him over to McD's for ice cream. What can I say- I'm a sucker for cute boys! I'm off to take a shower and wash the spit-up stink off of me. Hopefully Lucas will feel better when he wakes up for his last feed- keep your fingers crossed!

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